It was estimated in 2002 that Muslims constitute 48% of the population of Africa.[2] Islam has a large presence in North Africa, the Horn of Africa, the Swahili Coast, and much of West Africa, with minority immigrant populations in South Africa.
Центром хуёвли. 1821 год На острове Гонконг насчитывалось около 70 дворов местных жителей, в основном рыбаков, ловцов жемчуга, солеваров, изготовителей благовоний и мелких торговцев. А в 1840 его уже захватили Британцы
It was estimated in 2002 that Muslims constitute 48% of the population of Africa.[2] Islam has a large presence in North Africa, the Horn of Africa, the Swahili Coast, and much of West Africa, with minority immigrant populations in South Africa.