DIY X-MEN WOLVERINE fully automatic claws,Autos,,The first ever fully automatic wolverine claws that deploy AND retact automaticlly. These beuatiful 12" stainless steel claws fire out at the touch of a button and bring me as close as anyone has to feeling like they have adamantium claws. I think
Wolverine: The Epic Split,Film,,After being amazed by the Van Damme Epic Split and 3D animated Chuck Norris, we had to come up with our own with action figures of course! We at Reckless Abandonment Pictures extremely pumped for X-Men DOFP to come out this summer, and felt like this would be a
Росомаха: Бессмертный (2013) Русский Трейлер HD,Comedy,,Вступайте в группу=) Подписывайтесь на канал,чтобы увидеть первыми новые видео:)
Freddy Krueger vs Wolverine - Epic Rap Battles of History.,Entertainment,epic rap battles of history,erb freddy krueger,erb freddy krueger vs wolverine,erb wolverine,erb kreuger vs wolverine,erb,epic rap battles,rap battles of history,wolverine rap battle,wolverine vs freddy krueger,wolverine vs