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D2ADPOOL (CONT'D) (turns) And I hope you're watching Blood-stained pavement and a katana shard prisoner was a few seconds_Aga.—н*>'я gqnf-back to Colossus with a (LOOK that could KILL: DSADPOOL (CONT'D) That does it. I'I M WHEN hU NOU frOiw^TO M>Mir •Hve •(expose*/ 5eLf) shard mark the spot the spot Deadpool turns N3GAS0NIC TEENAGE WARHEAD (fingers to temple) ^ This is gonna get ugly. wearncj Л Pbsk? {\wer$Z? how many Jin DEADPOOL blW-RySiIE§JColossue and ^POUNDS him! across the face with a btfital“fist... CLANG... BREAKING ТТЛз1 own WRIST. _Ooooo-rlando Woolridge tKYs- gets worse for ydu. Colossus SIGHS. Deadpool CIRCLES him, then fires an UPPERCUT with his OTHER FIST... BANG... BREAKING that wrist, too. Gah. DEADPOOL (CONT'D) ' Ooocf].., I'm POUpJima CoLcSSc* in Лс biw rV^fi 4 JuSr Colossus Deadpool holds up two limp wrists like an effeminate boxer. DSADPOOL (CONT'D) (re: useless wrists) . . (f4 M^l^pr< All the dinosaurs feared the T-RexAMP *^0 Deadpool throws a ROUNDHOUSE KICK at Colossus. CRACKl HE ПВЕ-AKR Ц1£ OWN ANKLE. It's suddenly BENT at a WILD ANGLE. Deadpool GRul^CES as he tries to BEND his ankle back to straight with fi^o already damaged hands. « » Ooo. DSADPOOL (CO! cm*r у The ankle turns in a FULL CIRCLET CRAAACK. Now it's headed a DIFFERENT direction... just as WRONG. He starts to HOP IS ТЙ15' W0£j> C/ytfi/iASiZr&b 1 J ПЕАПРООТ. fCQNT ' D ) *_____ /HCSrd of the one-legged mdh in the ass^ picking contest?_______________ C LASS-/C Colossus HITS Deadpool with a RIGHT HOOK so DEVASTATING that Deadpool's chin leads his body in a TWIST as blinding as a twirling figure skater 'j/ r r ng as a twirling figure skater./// Q20TH CENTURY FOX. DUPUCAT r ROHIBITED. (CONTINUED) M* / О к: Ш ..S-; ;• . )Щ .. %-V u . 1 K£Ш Ш
Deadpool (фильм),Дэдпул,X-Men Movie Universe,Вселенная фильмов о Людях-Икс,Marvel,Вселенная Марвел,фэндомы
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