Spider-Man VS Batman in Toronto FULL / SpiderMan (Человек-Паук, Спайди, Твой дрюжелюбный сосед, Питер Паркер) :: Batman (Бэтмен, Темный рыцарь, Брюс Уэйн)

Batman SpiderMan песочница 

Spider-Man VS Batman in Toronto FULL VIDEO,Entertainment,spider-man,batman,battle,toronto,streets,the amazing spider-man,the dark knight returns,himy syed,Spider-Man and Batman had an epic battle in the streets of Toronto. An amateur clip of the two facing off on the subway made local and international news. Now the full rumble is yours to watch!! Whose movie do think is will be better? Spider-Man's or Batman's?
Batman,Бэтмен, Темный рыцарь, Брюс Уэйн,SpiderMan,Человек-Паук, Спайди, Твой дрюжелюбный сосед, Питер Паркер,песочница
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